TRISOMY test Complete

About the test

TRISOMY test Complete is a comprehensive non-invasive prenatal screening test (NIPT) covering all 23 chromosome pairs which reliably reveals any chromosomal disorders across the entire fetal genome starting from the 11th week of pregnancy. The test delivers a detailed screening of fetal DNA while providing free verification of a positive result by testing of amniotic fluid using the GenomeScreen prenatal test. Before ordering the test, it is required that you read the latest version of the Information Concerning Genetic Laboratory Testing.

The price of the test

530 €

What does the test reveal?

Thanks to a detailed analysis of fetal DNA, the test will detect disorders in the number and amount of genetic material across all 23 pairs of chromosomes, both at the whole chromosomal and subchromosomal levels.

Thanks to a detailed analysis of fetal DNA, the test will detect disorders in the number and amount of genetic material across all 23 pairs of chromosomes, both at the whole chromosomal and subchromosomal levels.

The test can also detect deletions and duplications, which are mostly associated with clinically relevant fetal disorders. These cannot be detected by other commonly used prenatal screening methods.

It will also reveal any possible false positive results of biochemical prenatal screening.

It minimizes the need for amniocentesis (invasive collection of a sample of amniotic fluid).

If you are interested, the test can also determine the sex of the fetus.

TRISOMY test Complete may be taken by any pregnant woman at her own request after a consultation with a specialist in medical genetics. The test is suitable for any pregnant woman starting from the 11th week of pregnancy if:

TRISOMY test Complete can be used in pregnancies using various methods of assisted reproduction, including cases with donated gametes (egg in a woman, sperm in a man), however, it cannot be used in multiple pregnancies.

Comparison with other
non-invasive prenatal tests (NIPT)

Our tests are certified and carried out in the most advanced Slovak laboratories operated by Medirex and Trisomy test.

TRISOMY test Complete

  • Sample processing takes place in certified laboratories in Slovakia
  • Screening all 23 pairs of fetal chromosomes
  • Free verification of a positive finding using GenomeScreen prenatal, the most detailed diagnostic method available
  • High risk detection in > 100 known clinical syndromes associated with subchromosomal aberrations
  • Delivery of the result within 5 working days

Other tests

  • Sample processing takes place abroad
  • Screening of selected chromosomes only
  • The price does not include validation of the result by a diagnostic method
  • Clinical interpretation support limited to selected, known aberrations
  • Longer time needed for result delivery

Diagnostic validation of
a positive result

Any positive finding of NIPT (which includes TRISOMY test Complete) should be validated by genetic testing of a sample of amniotic fluid obtained via amniocentesis. TRISOMY test Complete also includes a free validation of a positive result using a diagnostic method – GenomeScreen prenatal. This methodology uses massive parallel low-coverage whole-genome sequencing with NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) technology.

It delivers a very high detection capability enabled by the analysis of 100% of the genetic makeup of the fetus – from a sample of amniotic fluid. Moreover, it delivers server times higher resolution compared to a conventional diagnostic method (karyotype). Unlike aCGH assay from cultured amniocytes, the result of GenomeScreen prenatal ® is usually available within 5 working days (this period starts to run on the working day following the day of delivery of the amniotic fluid sample to the laboratory).

Test overview
