About the test

TRISOMY test XY is an extended version of TRISOMY test. It identifies the risk of complete trisomy of chromosomes 21, 18 and 13, fetal chromosomal sex, and sex chromosome disorders. Before ordering the test, it is required that you read the latest version of the Information Concerning Genetic Laboratory Testing.

The price of the test

390 €

What does the test reveal?

The text excludes frequent disorders in the number of fetal chromosomes 21, 18 and 13 (the cause of Down, Edwards and Patau syndromes).

It excludes possible aberrations in the number of sex chromosomes (the cause of Turner syndrome 45,X; Klinefelter syndrome XXY and XYY and XXX Syndromes).

It will also reveal any possible false positive results of biochemical prenatal screening.

It minimises the need for amniocentesis (invasive amniotic fluid collection).

If you are interested, the test can determine the sex of the fetus.

TRISOMY test XY may be taken by any pregnant woman at her own request and after a consultation with a specialist in medical genetics. The test is suitable for any pregnant woman starting from the 11th week of pregnancy if:

TRISOMY test XY cannot be used in multifetal pregnancies.

Test overview
